Hudon Julien Associs

Place Iberville Deux 1175, av. Lavigerie, bureau 400, Quebec City, QC

Important bureau d'architectes qui a conu plus de 250$ millions de construction: 5 dernires annes Membre : - Institut Royal d'Architecture du Canada (IRAC) - Ordre des Architectes du Qubec (OAQ) - Association des Architectes en Pratique Priv ...

David Leslie Architect

324-21st St, Quebec City, QC

Professional Summary With over 25 years architectural experience, I have developed an approach which takes in many environmental considerations from a micro to macro level. I have much experience in the design of healthy buildings which use a ...

Rgis Ct & Associs Architectes

500-115, rue Abraham Martin, Quebec City, QC

Dessin assist par ordinateur = atelier informatis 100% Programme Assurance Qualit\n Services architecturaux gnraux: Institutionnel, commercial, rsidentiel, et autres.

Navtech Inc.

105, Cte de la Montagne Bureau 701, Quebec City, QC

Consultants in naval architectgure and marine engineering

Ct Leahy Cardas architectes

25, rue du March-Champlain Bureau 401, Quebec City, QC

Bureau d'architectes

Vincent Gignac, architecte

1655, cte Gignac, Quebec City, QC