AP&C Advanced Powders & Coatings Inc.

2000 William St., Montreal, QC

AP&C Advanced Powders & Coatings Inc. is a Canadian company, with its head office in Montreal. The company is wholly-owned by Raymor Industries Inc. (www.raymor.com), a public company with stock on the TSX Venture Exchange (Symbol: RAR). RAYMOR ...

MWE inox

203 Duluth East Ave app. 1, Montreal, QC

Sliding door systems and handle bars from plain stainless steel with superior technique, maximal functionality and a distinguished appearance are determining to our product range. We also offer the most versatile possibilities for all kinds of special ...

Montral Valve

9130, av du Parc, Montreal, QC

Note from the President Montreal Valve is proud to announce its 50th anniversary year of operation and would like to thank its customers, partners and suppliers who have for half a century contributed to the achievement of our ...

Alubec, div. de ITW Canada Inc

417 Place de Louvain, Montreal, QC

Jet de Sable Houle Lte

10645, boul. Henri-Bourassa E., Montreal, QC

Nettoyage d'acier avec jet de sable & peinture.


5993, rue de Saint-Vallier, Montreal, QC

Cration sur mesure de trophes et plaques commmorative en verre, bois, granit, marbre et mtaux. Gravure au jet de sable. Objet dcoratif et corporatif. Hommage, reconnaissance...


11303, 26e Av., Montreal, QC


8456-9E Ave, Montreal, QC

A machine shop specialized in CNC ,steel fabricate and general machining, with high precision. We cost low rate and deliver on time .

Moules CP inc. 1988

11440-54th Ave, Montreal, QC

Specialized in aluminum injection molds for the investement casting industry and custom-made aluminum parts of all sizes.