Genicad Inc.

2260, rue Lon-Harmel, Quebec City, QC

Mission Gnicad is a mechanical systems design consulting group offering specialized engineering services geared to the development and optimization of industrial goods. From the time of its creation, with the pioneering spirit of its founder ...

OPAL-RT Technologies Inc.

2525-1751 Richardson St, Montreal, QC

Design and manufacturing of real-time parallel computer and embedded systems. Development of software interface and parallel operating system. Integration service for existing commercial applications. Custom design of real-time parallel system. ...

Steve Woloz Associates Inc.

5763 MacAlear, Cte Saint-Luc, QC

Steve Woloz Associates Inc. helps businesses that are struggling with the challenge of how to compete more effectively in the global marketplace. We do so by providing customized training and capacity building in all aspects of business operations. ...

E.S.A. Environment

205 Lger St, Sherbrooke, QC

E.S.A. Environment is the only team of dedicated professionals with more than 25 years of expertise in wastewater characterization and flow measurement. Our team specializes in industrial and municipal wastewater and provides comprehensive, defensible ...

Groupe Alta - Gomatique EMCO Inc.

49, rue du Bel-Air Bureau 203, Lvis, QC

The implementation and operation of GIS requires, for all kinds of applications, the creation, updating and integration of many georeferenced data bases. Geomatique EMCO Inc is a leader in the fields of gathering, organising, converting and ...

Engine Systems Development Centre Inc.

155 Montral Toronto Hwy., Lachine, QC

Engine Systems Development Centre Inc. (ESDC) is an applied Canadian research center dedicated to large-bore diesel engines. It is our desire to provide cutting edge research in diesel engine technology that is needed to meet our national goals ...


247, rue Thibeau, Trois-Rivires, QC

MISSION: Par sa double vocation, Scientech R&D inc. se dfinie comme une entreprise qui offre des services spcialiss en recherche et dveloppement dans les secteurs du logiciel de l'instrumentation de mesure et de contrle et aussi une entreprise ...


100-4521 Clark St., Montreal, QC

Who we are: AEdifica is a multidisciplinary practice tailored to deliver creative, strategic, and integrated solutions for the built and visual environments of organizations driven by excellence in a world of emerging opportunities. What we ...

SPG Hydro International Inc.

2151, rue Lonard-de-Vinci Suite 101, Sainte-Julie, QC

We offer, on the Provincial, National and International markets, professional services in the engineering and environment domains, specific to aquatic, subaquatic and maritime environmental milieu, and design, develop and commercialize, for companies ...

Le Groupe CIAC inc.

200-3360, 2e rue, Saint-Hubert, QC

ENGINEERING : Preliminary Engineering Project Supervision Detailed Engineering Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Human Machine Interface (HMI) PLCs start-up Control Panel Control Room Start-up Personnels training Specialized in ...