E.S.A. Environment

Address: 205 Lger St
Sherbrooke, QC J1L 2H4

Mailling Address: 205 Lger St
Sherbrooke, QC J1L 2H4

Phone: (819) 566-4020

Toll Free: 1(866) 566-4020

Fax: (819) 566-2389

Email: Click Here

Map it: Click Here

Website: http://www.esa.qc.ca

E.S.A. Environment

E.S.A. Environment is the only team of dedicated professionals with more than 25 years of expertise in wastewater characterization and flow measurement. Our team specializes in industrial and municipal wastewater and provides comprehensive, defensible data used to assess, monitor, repair, and improve wastewater flow management systems.

E.S.A. Environments clients benefit from a fully integrated state-of-the-art fleet of vehicules. It allows for fast, accurate and safe on-site actions.

Company Details

Year Established: 1992

Total Sales ($CDN): $100,000 - $200,000

Number of Employees: 16

Company Information

Benoit Lamoureux
Title: Vice President
Area of Responsibility: Management Executive
Telephone: (450) 681-3601
Fax: (450) 681-5196
Email: Click Here

Pierre Rouleau
Title: Vice President
Area of Responsibility: Management Executive
Telephone: (819) 566-4020
Fax: (819) 566-2389
Email: Click Here

Germain Thibault
Title: President
Area of Responsibility: Management Executive
Telephone: (819) 566-4020
Fax: (819) 566-2389
Email: Click Here


Characterization Of Industrial And Municipal Wastewater

Flow Measurement Continuous or instantaneous Flow measurement with Parshall flume, Palmer-Bowlus flume, weirs and bubbles flowmeter.

Calibration Calibration and validation of pumping stations, flumes, weirs and flow meter.

Diagnosis Of Networks Tracer test, smoke test, TV inspection and flow by section

Sludge, Measurement Of Sludge Levels Measurement of sludge levels and sludge sampling in ponds and clarifiers of wastewater treatment plants.

Characterization Of Industrial Water Continuous or instantaneous measurement of flow, pH, temperature, conductivity, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, total residual chlorine, etc. Optimisation of industrial and municipal water treatment

Waste Water Treatment Optimization Optimisation du procd de traitement d'eau use industrielle. valuation des quipements et recommandations. Neutralisation, aration, enlvement des huiles et graisses, valuation des produits chimiques.

Sampling chantillonnage de l'eau use industrielle et municipale

Validation Validation of flow measurement equipment

Smoke Test Smoke test on sanitary sewage

Repair Equipment Repair of equipment sampling and flow measurement

Environment Mesure de la qualit de l'eau use.

Flow Flow monitoring

Training Formation des oprateurs en traitement d'eaux uses et potables.

Operation Operation of water treatment facilities.

Attestation Attestation of water treatment facilities.

Commissioning Commissioning of water treatment facilities

Parshall Flume validation of Parshall flume

Palmer-bowlus Validation of Palmer-Bowlus flume

Weirs Installation and validation of weirs.

Ph pH measurement

Chlorine Chlorine measurement

Oxygen Dissolved oxygen measurement

Turbidity Measurement of continuous or instantaneous tubidity

Conductivity Continuous or instantaneous conductivity measurement.

Pluviometry Continuous Pluviometry measurement.

Mass Load assessment and mass balance.

Caracterization Caractrisation des sols, caractrisation de la nappe phratique, caractrisation des dchets,

Construction Construction of Parshall and Palmer-Bowlus Flumes

Repair Instrumentation Sigma Isco

Compagnonnage Formation aux oprateurs de traitement d'eau potable par compagnonnage