Freelance Communications

45 - 3809 - 45 St. S.W., Calgary, AB

Freelance Communications provides publishing support to authors and self-publishers and companies that want to produce printed material to market their business, including annual reports. We help those who are time-stressed, have a passion for an idea, ...

New Dawn Manuals

1444 Lake Michigan Cres. S.E., Calgary, AB

The production of mechanical 'Operation and Maintenance' manuals, both print and electronic, for the mechanical construction industry (plumbing & heating and building maintenance).

Fish Creek Publishing

Shawnessey RPO, Calgary, AB

Detselig Enterprises Limited

210 - 1220 Kensington Rd. N.W., Calgary, AB

Transitory Press Limited

602 - 1121 - 6 AVE SW, Calgary, AB

Publisher of original books and artwork.

The Best of Bridge Publishing Ltd.

6035 - 6th St. S.E., Calgary, AB