David Duncan

Address: 16 Bessborough Dr
St Catharines, ON L2M 3G2

Mailling Address: 16 Bessborough Dr
St Catharines, ON L2M 3G2

Phone: (905) 938-9087

Toll Free: 1(866) 413-8865

Email: Click Here

Map it: Click Here

Website: http://www.davidduncan.ca

id workshop

I.d. workshop provides the specialized service of Industrial Design a creative arm for Engineering and Manufacturing. I.d. workshop's main focus is to bring a product to life in creative and innovative ways, utilizing the latest rendering techniques and 3D CAD software. Id workshop designs the lookdealing with market trends, aesthetics and ergonomics to best enhance the form, function and value of the end product.

Company Details

Company Information

David Duncan
Title: Data Provider
Telephone: (905) 938-9087
Email: Click Here


Industrial Design