The Round Barn

Address: R.R. #2 Brownlee Rd.
Thessalon, ON P0R 1L0

Mailling Address: R.R. #2 Brownlee Rd.
Thessalon, ON P0R 1L0

Phone: (705) 842-3341

Fax: (705) 842-0057

Email: Click Here

Map it: Click Here

The Round Barn

The Round Barn is a wholesale / retail company distributing
quality handcrafted items. It is the producer and distributor of
the Canadian Weatherstick. The weatherstick is Mother Nature's
natural barometer. It is a stick that when mounted outside, will
bend upward indicating fair weather and downward when bad
weather, rain or snow, is on its way.

Round Barn is also the distributor of locally produced birch bark
canoes and teepees. These crafts are available in a variety of
sizes and prices. Round Barn also wholesales a large selection of
reasonably priced dreamcatchers and quality lake grown wild rice.

Retail gift shop in an actual round barn.

Company Details

Year Established: 1973

Company Information

Mark West
Title: Owner
Telephone: (705) 842-3341
Fax: (705) 842-0057
Email: Click Here


