Tecnar Automation Lte

Address: 1321 Hocquart St.
Saint-Bruno, QC J3V 6B5

Mailling Address: 1321 Hocquart St.
Saint-Bruno, QC J3V 6B5

Phone: (450) 461-1221

Fax: (450) 461-0808

Email: Click Here

Map it: Click Here

Website: http://www.tecnar.com

Tecnar Automation Lte

Company Details

Year Established: 1985

Total Sales ($CDN): $1,000,000 - $5,000,000

Number of Employees: 15

Company Information

Guy Fortin
Title: Director
Area of Responsibility: Domestic Sales & Marketing
Telephone: (450) 461-1221
Email: Click Here

Francois Nadeau
Title: Manager
Area of Responsibility: Management Executive
Telephone: (450) 461-1221


Measuring & Meas/Controlling Inst Nes

Robotic Systems, Welding
