RCN Consulting

Address: 7302 Coronado Dr.
Burnaby, BC V5A 1R1

Mailling Address: 7302 Coronado Dr.
Burnaby, BC V5A 1R1

Phone: (604) 444-4277

Fax: (604) 444-3442

Email: Click Here

Map it: Click Here

Website: http://www.rikkiashley.com

RCN Consulting

RCN Consulting is a Vancouver-based company that specializes in
providing expert, computer software training and technical
support in the client's workplace. On-site training is proven
as the fastest, most relevant way to learn computer software.
Instruction is available for learners at any level, whether in
groups or on a one-to-one basis.

The director, Rikki Ashley, is a highly skilled computer
specialist who has been providing corporate training services
since 1988. She has extensive computer training experience and
professional expertise in various application areas; i.e.
spreadsheets, contact management, databases, desktop
publishing, etc. and has both her Provincial Instructor Diploma
and Adult Education Diploma. All instruction is provided using
proven teaching methods and support materials.

Company Details

Year Established: 1995

Number of Employees: 3

Company Information

Rikki Ashley
Title: Data Provider
Telephone: (604) 444-4277
Fax: (604) 444-3442
Email: Click Here


Computer Training And Consulting