Precision Platers Ltd.

Address: 520 Speers Rd.
Oakville, ON L6K 2G3

Mailling Address: 520 Speers Rd.
Oakville, ON L6K 2G3

Phone: (905) 845-7191

Fax: (905) 845-0456

Map it: Click Here

Precision Platers Ltd.

- Polish, hand buff and automatic buffing department.
- Copper, nickel and chrome plating, steel and diecast parts, from
automotive, boat, appliance, recreational vehicle parts, gum ball
machine parts, and many more hardware parts.

Company Details

Year Established: 1960

Total Sales ($CDN): $1 - $100,000

Number of Employees: 50

Company Information

Frank Chafe
Title: President
Area of Responsibility: Management Executive
Telephone: (905) 845-7191
Fax: (905) 845-0456

Mario Machado
Title: Vice President
Area of Responsibility: Management Executive
Telephone: (905) 845-7191
Fax: (905) 845-0456

Douglas Chafe
Title: Plater
Telephone: (905) 845-7191
Fax: (905) 845-0456


Job Plate Nickel, Copper & Chrome