PBR Laboratories Inc.

Address: 9960-67 Ave NW
Edmonton, AB T6E 0P5

Mailling Address: 9960-67 Ave NW
Edmonton, AB T6E 0P5

Phone: (780) 450-3957

Toll Free: 1(866) 450-3957

Fax: (780) 450-3960

Email: Click Here

Map it: Click Here

Website: http://www.pbr.ca

PBR Labs

PBR Laboratories Inc. (PBR), a privately held company
incorporated in the Province of Alberta in 1984, owns and
operates a bioanalytical and research laboratory. PBR offers a
full range of microbiological and genetic toxicology services applicable to food- and water-pathogen screening, indoor air mold identification, product development and safety evaluation.

The company undertakes contract research projects in its area of specialization and has an active research and development program of its own. Our clients include corporations from the pharmaceutical, chemical, food, herbal and nutraceutical, agriculture, petrochemical, health care, environmental biotechnology and other knowledge-based industries, as well as government departments concerned with human health, food safety and the environment.

PBR is an approved bioanalytical laboratory with accreditation
from Standards Council of Canada. PBR is in compliance with OECD-GLP (Good Laboratory Practice of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development) guidelines. The US - FDA (United States - Food and Drug Administration) has also audited our laboratory for compliance with their requirements.

PBR has highly qualified and experienced scientific management
team and a dedicated technical staff operating within a network consisting of a Scientific Advisory Board and consultants with recognized expertise. The Board of Directors consists of well known business and community leaders with a strong scientific background.

PBR's core business includes analytical services and applied
research in four major areas of scientific and technical
expertise: a) Genetic and cellular toxicology, b)Biochemical
and immunoassay technologies, and c) environmental and food Microbiology.

PBR's scientific staff includes Ph.D's with specialisation in microbiology, genetics, toxicology and immunology. Equipped with a modern laboratory and highly trained technical staff, PBR offers product safety and efficacy evaluations; assessment of environmental and occupational exposure to toxic substances, and detection and identification of: cyanobacterial toxins in water; mycotoxins in foods and feeds, and bacteria/molds in food, feed, indoor air and water. PBR' s R & D program is directed towards the development of diagnostic kits for environmental toxins, and microbial products for bioremediation.

Company Details

Year Established: 1984

Total Sales ($CDN): $1 - $100,000

Number of Employees: 8

Company Information

Ram D. Mehta
Title: President and CEO
Area of Responsibility: Management Executive
Telephone: (780) 450-3957
Fax: (780) 450-3960
Email: Click Here

Ram Mehta
Title: Manager
Telephone: (780) 450-3957
Fax: (780) 450-3960
Email: Click Here


Immunoassay Kits

Microbial Products
The research and devlopment of microbial products (bacterial and fungal cultures) for the remediation of soil and water contaminants,and treatment of industrial effluents.


Genetic Toxicology Testing This service is applied to pre-clinical testing of pharmaceutical products, medical devices, veterinary drugs, as well as agricultural and industrial chemicals as required under the Canadian Drug Act, Pesticide Act, and New Substances Notification Regulation.These tests, which include a battery of integrated assays, determine the cytotoxic, mutagenic, and carcinogenic potential of chemicals. The tests are also used for screening antimutagenic/anticarcinogenic compounds in natural products and nutraceuticals.

Toxin Monitoring Services Detection and identification services for Cyanobacterial and Diarrhetic Shellfish Poisoning toxins in freshwater, marine samples, aquaculture, and blue-green algae food products

Analytical Microbiology PBR offers research and testing services applicable to microbiological quality of indoor air, food, and water, sterility audits of food manufacturing and processing facilities, and product safety and efficacy evaluation.

Bioremediation We provide comprehensive laboratory support for the application and monitoring of biotreatment products and processes for the clean-up of contaminated sites.

Pre-clinical Laboratory Services Laboratory testing services are offered to pharmaceutical and health care industries and clinical trial investigators.

Biochemical Analytical Services These services are applicable to the identification of mycotoxins and bacterial toxins in food, dairy and feed products. We utilize DNA probe and PCR technologies for the identification of bacterial and fungal pathogens in food, water, air and other environmental samples.

Regulatory Compliance Consulting We assist clients in preparing for product registration requirements in Canada and compliance to the New Substances Notification Regulation.

Prduct Safety And Efficacy Screen products for sterility (bioburden), germicidal/antibacterial/antifungal activities. Evaluate products for carcinogenicity and anticarcinogenicity. Efficacy of nutraceuticals and functional foods.

Nutritional And Gmo Labeling Offer analysis for nutritional labeling of food products and identify GMO contents at DNA and protein level.