Logif Micro-Informatique inc.

Address: 568, av. Missisquoi
Venise-en-qubec, QC J0J 2K0

Mailling Address: 568, av. Missisquoi
Venise-en-qubec, QC J0J 2K0

Phone: (514) 288-6528

Email: Click Here

Map it: Click Here

Website: http://www.logif.com

Logif Micro-Informatique inc.

LOGIF est une compagnie de la micro-informatique. LOGIF dssert
tout le Montral mtropolitain ainsi que ses banlieues. Depuis 1987, LOGIF a cre plusieurs logiciels qui sont prsentement utiliss dans le domaine corporatif et galement dans des institutions, tant prives que gouvernementales.

Notre mission est de servir notre clientle selon ses besoins et
ses attentes. Nos services touchent tous les domaines de la
micro-informatique: ils vont de la consultation, la
conception de logiciels, en passant par la vente d'quipements

Notre personnel est compos de professionnels de
l'administration, du marketing, de la micro-informatique et de
la conception graphique et visuelle. Nos clients oeuvrent dans
plusieurs secteurs industriels, des institutions financires aux
institutions du domaine des arts et de la culture, en passant
par des entreprises de distribution et du domaine de la

Company Details

Year Established: 1987

Number of Employees: 4

Company Information

Philippe Michaud
Title: President
Area of Responsibility: Management Executive
Telephone: (514) 288-6528
Fax: (514) 288-6566
Email: Click Here


Devis Facile

Easy Web
The software developped by Logif-Web's team offers you the possibility of maintaining, by yourself, your web site, without any knowledge of HTML programming, FTP file transfer protocols or web site management and all of this without having to call upon a whole team of computer experts. Easy Web's user has total control over the information shown in his web site. Adding, supressing or modifying technical specs or information can now be done problem free. Easy Web is easy to use and sports an interface in french, english or spanish - as per the user's preference - and allows for the entry of content in two languages allowing for the publication of bilingual content. Easy Web allows to easily insert pictures into a web site directly from a digital camera; done are the days of traditionnal pictures scanned by computers and sent to specialists in order to be inserted into the web site.The user only has to take pictures with his digital camera, plug it in the computer and send them up to the web site, all by himself.
