Jacobs Canada Inc.

Address: 400S-8500 Macleod Trail S.
Calgary, AB T2H 2N1

Mailling Address: P.O. Box 5244, Station A
Calgary, AB T2H 2N7

Phone: (403) 258-6411

Fax: (403) 258-6614

Email: Click Here

Map it: Click Here

Website: http://www.jacobs.com

Jacobs Canada Inc.

Jacobs Canada Inc. provides cost-effective solutions to the
domestic and
international energy industry with innovative project
engineering, procurement and construction management services.
Our complete EPC services range from feasibility studies,
conceptual design, and front-end engineering and design, through
to commissioning, start-up, plant maintenance and long-term
support. Jacobs has been designing, engineering,
constructing and managing all types of energy industry projects
since 1966
including: natural gas processing plants, conventional oil and
production facilities, heavy oil production and processing
facilities, petrochemical facilities, power generation
and hazardous waste management plants.

Major clients of Jacobs are those involved in the
1. Projects which involve grassroots, expansion, revamping and
2. Industries involving natural gas processing, that is, sour
treatment, sulphur recovery, NGL recovery and NGL
3. Industries involving petroleum production and processing,
is, heavy oil production, conventional oil production,
produced water treatment, pipelines and gathering systems,
refining and upgrading.
4. Industries involving power generation, that is, cogeneration
power projects and process plant power generation.

Company Details

Year Established: 1966

Total Sales ($CDN): $50,000,000 +

Number of Employees: 700

Company Information

Carolanne Pocock
Title: Marketing Research Co-ordinator
Area of Responsibility: Research/Development/Engineering
Telephone: (403) 258-6759
Fax: (403) 258-6614
Email: Click Here

Reg Thibeault
Title: President
Area of Responsibility: Management Executive
Telephone: (403) 258-6411
Fax: (403) 255-1421
Email: Click Here

Brian Hicks
Title: Manager, Business Development
Area of Responsibility: Domestic Sales & Marketing
Telephone: (403) 258-6534
Fax: (403) 258-6614
Email: Click Here

John Whitehouse
Title: Director, Business Development
Telephone: (403) 258-6518
Fax: (403) 258-6414
Email: Click Here

Jerry Hellman
Title: Vice President, Operations
Area of Responsibility: Manufacturing/Production/Operations
Telephone: (403) 258-6411
Fax: (403) 258-6662
Email: Click Here

Judy Partridge
Title: Secretary
Area of Responsibility: Administrative Services
Telephone: (403) 258-6471
Fax: (403) 258-6614
Email: Click Here

Tannis Braid
Title: Senior Secretary - Business Development
Telephone: (403) 258-6631
Fax: (403) 258-6614
Email: Click Here


Environmental Products And Services

Treating Produced Water For Use As Boiler Feedwater.
Delta Hudson Engineering Ltd. of Calgary, Alberta, Canada has developed a system for the recovery and re-use of produced water. First, the system removes oil by gravity and gas floatation processes. Then a hot-lime softener is utilized, where hydrated lime and magnesium oxide are introduced to a large pressure vessel which operates at 5 psi, and where hardness, oil, alkalinity and silica are reduced. The next phase consists of pressure filters which remove the turbidity. This is followed by weak acid cation exchangers which reduces the hardness in the water to zero. The complete system produces a boiler feedwater suitable for high pressure once-through steam generators. Since linings in service vessels capable of withstanding the high operating temperature of the produced water treatment system were not available, external regeneration of the ion exchangers was adopted. The ion exchange resin is regenerated with acid and caustic soda. This system is used at Imperial Oil's Cold Lake Heavy Oil Production Plants. The plants at Cold Lake are the only systems in the 'thermal recovery' industry which use external regeneration. Certain conventional power plants use external regeneration on their demineralizers in the role of condensate polishing. There are now a total of five produced water treatment plants owned and operated by Imperial Oil Ltd. at Cold Lake. All of these facilities have adopted the hot lime, filtration, weak acid cation system and each plant treating and recovering 2,500 USgal/min, which otherwise would have been pumped down disposal wells. Delta Hudson Engineering Ltd., has been involved in the design and construction of the majority of the plants at Cold Lake and is currently involved in the design of the latest planned expansion.

Highly Efficient Mcrc Process, Based On Sub-dewpoint Sulphur Recovery Technology.
Delta Hudson Engineering Ltd. of Calgary, Canada, has developed a proprietary sub-dewpoint sulphur process called MCRC. This process, which utilizes a modified version of the Claus process, effectively achieves up to 99.5% sulphur recovery. By virtue of this high recovery, gaseous emissions to atmosphere (SO2, H2S, etc.) are considerably reduced. The MCRC process is available in both three and four-converter options. Each of the MCRC converters and their respective condensers, alternate between sub-dewpoint and regeneration modes of operation. The switching between modes is automatic and is performed while on-line. The Delta Hudson MCRC sulphur recovery process also offers the following advantages:24 MCRC plants use less piping, have a smaller plot area, produce lower stack gaseous emissions and have lower operating costs Delta Hudson supplies a state-of-the-art, advanced control system which ensures trouble-free operation Conventional Claus plants may be easily converted to the MCRC process with minor modification The MCRC process uses a regular Claus catalyst Delta Hudson's MCRC process meets all Government of Alberta sulphur emissions standards for plants producing up to 2000 tonnes/day. Since 1978, Delta Hudson has completed more than 20 MCRC projects for plants ranging in capacity from 13 to 950 tonnes/day in operation in Canada, the United States, Mexico, Columbia Indonesia, India and China.


Consulting Engineer - Petroleum & Natural Gas-refineries

Consulting Engineer - Power-other

Consulting Engineer - Environment-waste Disposal/Treatment

Consulting Engineer - Forest/Fish/Agrltr-pulp Mills

Consulting Engineer - Industry-chemical

Consulting Engineer - Industry-fertilizer

Project Management

Consulting Engineer - Power-thermal Power

Consulting Engineer - Petroleum & Natural Gas-extract & Separation

Consulting Engineer - Petroleum & Natural Gas-pipelines

Consulting Engineer - Petroleum & Natural Gas-gas Process Plants

Consulting Engineer - Petroleum & Natural Gas-other

Consulting Engineer - Other (specify)