Gillespie Consulting

Address: 100 Beech Avenue
Toronto, ON M4E 3H6

Mailling Address: 100 Beech Avenue
Toronto, ON M4E 3H6

Phone: (416) 699-8786

Fax: (416) 699-8786

Email: Click Here

Map it: Click Here

Gillespie Consulting

Gus Gillespie is a business strategist with experience in the automotive, aerospace, electronics, machine tool, consumer goods, and primary metal industries. The central focus of his work is to assist companies develop and execute business strategies which allow them to achieve their objectives in increasingly competitive global markets. He assists clients develop performance-oriented organizations, plan and manage new product and new facility projects, and introduce new technology to existing facilities. He has also assisted several companies integrate their operations following mergers or acquisitions. His clients have included several Fortune 500 companies, as well as many privately owned businesses, in North America, Europe and the Middle East.

Company Details

Company Information

Gus Gillespie
Telephone: (416) 699-8786
Email: Click Here
