International EcoGen Inc.

Address: 2015 McLallen Crt.
North Vancouver, BC V7P 3H6

Mailling Address: 2015 McLallen Crt.
North Vancouver, BC V7P 3H6

Phone: (604) 986-2400

Fax: (604) 988-3549

Email: Click Here

Map it: Click Here



-research and development in determining new methods of
assessing genetic damage and its consequences in animal
-determination of genetic damage in field populations of animals
and humans by means of flow cytometry.
-utilize state of the art statistical methodologies for all
-determination of carcinogenicity and/or genetic toxicity
of pulp mill effluent, mining effluent, herbicide and
pesticides, and other industrial chemicals using flow cytometry
methods with genetically altered fish strains.

Company Details

Year Established: 1998

Total Sales ($CDN): $1 - $100,000

Number of Employees: 2

Company Information

Michael Easton
Title: President
Area of Responsibility: Management Executive
Telephone: (604) 986-2400
Fax: (604) 988-3549
Email: Click Here


Carcinogen Assessment - Bioassay


Genotoxicity - Environmental Effects Monitoring - mutagenic analysis by flow cytometry of field or lab animals (birds, amphibians, mammals, fish, reptiles, clams, crabs)using small blood samples that can be preserved by freezing. This assay examines the net amount of DNA in the nucleus to a very high degree of accuracy. We are able to determine clastogenic effects using this method. A clastogen is a chemical that can cause the DNA to be physically broken. Our assay assesses damage after all the DNA repair mechanisms have had a chance to operate and the damage becomes fixed in the cells of the peripheral blood circulation. We can examine cells from other tissues as well. - in situ field bioassay - The degree of genetic damage and the chemicals of interest are measured in the same animal to investigate the causal relationship between clastogenic damage and the chemical or chemicals. We use a tailor-made multivariate analysis in defining the relationship.

Genetic Diversity Measurement Genetic diversity analysis of animal populations using molecular genetic techniques and/or morphometric analysis methods. This methodology is best employed before environmental impacts occur so that a baseline of genetic diversity is established from which to measure the rate of genetic change as the effluent or chemical affects the local population.