Corporate Streamlining Company Inc.

Address: 2-146 West Beaver Creek Rd
Richmond Hill, ON L4B 1C2

Mailling Address: 2-146 West Beaver Creek Rd
Richmond Hill, ON L4B 1C2

Phone: (416) 243-7143

Fax: (416) 243-6461

Email: Click Here

Map it: Click Here


Corporate Streamlining

Corporate Streamlining Company Inc. is committed to increasing the
organizational efficiency of its customers and to reducing the
company's risk and the risk of its officers, directors and
employees. Increased efficiency automatically brings with it lower
costs, higher margins, retention of good employees, a chance for
increased sales, a chance to dominate a market, and increased
capacity for output.

On a more micro level: confusion lifts; error rates drop; losses
and damages contract; production increases; more work is
accomplished for less effort; risks are reduced; control is
gained; margins and profits increase. And smiles return to their

We work with a purpose and an urgency. We work for a result - a
less confused, less stressful operation that is smoother, more
efficient, more effective, more profitable, more in control and
more survival oriented.

The biggest mistake that can be made once it has been decided to
move forward with streamlining an organization is to not apply the
technology. It is understandable for customer management to want a
quick fix, however truthfully most organizations are well beyond
any quick fix solution to their difficulties. In fact such an
approach inevitably makes things worse.

Apply the technology as presented. This in itself is a piece of

Member of:

Guelph Chamber of Commerce
Toronto Board of Trade
Workflow Management Coalition

Company Details

Year Established: 1996

Total Sales ($CDN): $100,000 - $200,000

Number of Employees: 3

Company Information

Ron Lutka
Title: President
Telephone: (416) 243-7143
Fax: (416) 243-6461


Corporate Streamlining Technology, Critical Path Technology